Friday, January 24, 2014

Going home

My trip home last week was bittersweet; saying goodbye to my great Aunt, and hello to my beautiful family was surreal. I could hear my Aunt's laugh as I looked upon her still form just once more. I cried as I said goodbye...wishing I could have hugged her once more. We celebrated her precious life, by spending time gathered together and remembering what she meant to all of us. I was strengthened by the laughter and love of my family and indeed; we celebrated the life of my Aunt in joy; it was what she would have wanted. She represented happiness and that is what we would remember her in; happiness. We would miss her deeply, but we would always have a piece of her in our hearts. It was beautiful just being together again, with my girls in tow; and watching my mother and niece connect with family they hadn't seen in years. Our trip home to Washington, D.C. was so pleasant. The drive was long, but the love was strong! The love prompted us to move; to get on the road and go where we needed to be. When we arrived I took in the energy of my hometown; allowing myself to just be at peace. The embraces between family and friends; were tighter, longer and I felt my energy levels rising from being in the midst of it all. I was home again...

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